Healthy Aging Month: How To Make The Most Of It

September is nationally recognized as Healthy Aging Month, which is an annual observation designed to focus on all of the positive aspects of growing older. The goal of the month is provide ideas and inspiration for older adults, age 50 and over to improve their overall health by contributing to their physical, mental, social and financial well being.

Take a moment to look back and reflect on all you have done, all of your exciting memories and adventures, and then think about what you would still like to accomplish, then write it down. Don't hold anything back! It could be something big like wanting to travel to that exotic country, or moving to the mountains to enjoy the fresh air every day. But it could also be something more simple, like maybe hiking a trail with your friends, or having a picnic somewhere special. After you have created your list, pick an item or two and use the month of September to plan and/or accomplish them! Then keep the momentum going and work toward one of your goals every month.

Doing something you have always wanted to do is one great way to improve your overall health and can contribute to your mental, physical and social health. We have also compiled some ideas that can serve as inspiration to improve different aspects of your health and help you age healthily.

1. Add brain foods

Certain foods are scientifically proven to be beneficial for your brain. Adding these foods to your diet could help lower the risk for Alzheimer's and dementia, as well as improving your day-to-day cognitive function and the overall health of your whole body!

2. Go on a walk every day 

Walking is good for the body and the soul. You can simultaneously get gentle exercise, which improves strength and stability and keeps joints healthy, while you enjoy the fresh air, nice scenery and calming effects of being outside. It doesn't have to be a long walk - just take a stroll around the neighborhood at sunset, or find a nearby park. And it's even more fun with a dog or friend for some added social interaction!

3. Don't act your age

What does a 60-year-old even act like? Well, it's up to you! Act how you want to feel - move with confidence, be active, get excited! Choose something you enjoyed when you were younger, and go do it! The more vibrant you act, the more vibrant you will feel.

4. Protect against financial scams

Financial fraud is the fastest growing form of elder abuse. You can protect yourself or your loved ones from financial elder abuse by becoming familiar with the most common scams and learning what to do if you suspect foul play. Keep your guard up so you don't get targeted!

5. Do good deeds

Helping others is one of the best and most rewarding ways to improve your health and happiness. Doing a good deed, or paying it forward can be as simple as smiling at someone, holding the door, or saying hello, and the great thing about these small deeds is that you have so many opportunities to do them throughout the day! You can also volunteer at a local charity, or donate money to a cause that is meaningful to you.

6. Get a physical

Staying on top of your health is an important part of aging healthily. Making an annual routine trip to the doctor can help you manage any ailments you might have, or detect any new conditions before they become a real problem. Use this month to set up your annual physical, and any other outstanding doctor (or dental) appointments.

7. Join a club

The good news is there is a club for pretty much everything. So pick a hobby, interest, or activity that you enjoy, and join a club! It could be a garden club, dinner club, golf club, book club, theatre club, you name it. These groups can help you meet new and interesting people while you participate in something that you enjoy. Go to, or host your first meeting this month!

8. Pick up a new hobby

You can never have to many hobbies, they are fun, engaging, and keep your mental and physical health strong. Think about something you have always had interest in, and give it a try. Learn how to play an instrument, take a cooking course, learn a new language. If you don't have a particular hobby you have always been curious to try, take a quiz or ask around your community and see what others are doing - there might be some you had never even thought about!

9. Reach out to friends

Making a point to reach out to loved ones or friends that you haven't spoken to in a while can be rewarding and fun. It's always nice to hear from people you care about, and you can make the process fun. Call, email or even write a letter. Writing letters is a great way to keep up your cognitive function and it's a fun, lost art. Also ask the person to get together for a cup of coffee or lunch, catching up in person will usually get the stories and laughs flowing!

10. Plan a trip

A vacation is a time that people look forward to, a time to relax, have fun, and improve your mental well being. So take this month to plan a trip. It could be somewhere in your city or state, or maybe you want to travel a little farther. No matter the destination, take your time to plan a special trip that you can thoroughly enjoy and make great memories. If you don't feel like traveling, plan a "staycation" and pamper yourself at home!

All of these ideas are meant to be an inspiration for living a healthy life so you can enjoy the positive aspects of growing older. Pick one to try, or try them all, and remember that focusing on healthy aging should be year round!

However, as you age, sometimes a little bit of help is necessary to live a healthy life. If you or someone you know is in need of home care, American In-Home Care provides quality screened and qualified care providers that can help you age in the comfort and independence of your own home. Call us anytime at 1-844-505-0004 to discuss what care options are right for you and your family.

