The infamous “grandparent scam” has been around for years. In this scenario, the scammer calls a senior, posing as their grandchild and requesting funds for some sort of catastrophe.
While this is extremely concerning in and of itself, the voice of the scam artist could give away the ruse. Not so with the latest AI scams targeting seniors, which is causing even the most seasoned scam detectors to worry.
“There are a lot of scams out there that are pretty worrisome, and I always try to kind of temper that a little bit, but this one really does scare me,” explains cyber analyst Alex Hamerstone.
How Do AI Scams Work?
AI (artificial intelligence) scammers utilize the storyline of the grandparent scam, yet are able to play a cloned version of the grandchild’s actual voice. Cloning software requires as little of a few seconds of audio to create an alarmingly accurate replica of the person’s voice.
With so many young people on social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, this makes an AI scammer’s job easy.
The ease of using this technology magnifies the danger even further. Anyone can simply download the cloning app, add in the recorded audio, and then type in whatever they want the person to say. The app will clone the voice so closely that it’s nearly impossible to detect any difference.
Not only that, but scammers can even make calls appear to come from any phone number they choose, from businesses like a bank to any individual’s phone number.
Take These Steps to Protect Seniors From AI Scams
The Florida home care experts at American, Advocate, and Whitsyms In-Home Care offer these tips to protect older loved ones from AI scams:
- Educate. Talk with everyone in your family about AI scams and how they work.
Choose a code word. Have everyone agree on a “safe word” that no one outside of the family will know. If a suspicious call comes in, ask the person to tell you the secret code. - Confirm. In the absence of a code word, tell the caller you’re going to hang up and call right back to confirm that they actually are who they say they are.
- Click cautiously. Be careful about clicking links sent in emails or ads to download software, even if they look like they’re from a trusted source. Scammers are very good at what they do!
- Report it. If you suspect a senior loved one has been the victim of any kind of scam, call the police to file a report. You can also file a report with the Federal Trade Commission at
Home Care Can Help Keep Seniors Safe From Scammers!
A referred care provider from American, Advocate, or Whitsyms In-Home Care can serve as an extra set of eyes and ears to protect older adults from scam artists. They also serve as wonderful companions to alleviate loneliness – something that can increase a senior’s vulnerability to scams.
Contact us to learn more about how a referred care provider can help enhance safety and security for the older adults you love. Click the link to the location nearest you below:
- American In-Home Care – Serving North, Central, and West Coast of Florida
- Advocate In-Home Care – Serving Southeast and Southwest Florida
- Whitsyms In-Home Care – Serving Southeast and Southwest Florida
State of Florida License and Registration Numbers: 30211518, 30211651, 30211295, 30211390, 30210978, 30211293, 30211382, 30211504, 30211733, 30211535, 30211531, 30211710, 30211709, 30211045, 5661